Hello my friend, I sincerely hope 2022 is going well for you. Last week I started a 2-part series entitled Stay True To Your 2022 Goals. I explained the following points:

  1. Have 1 key focus at a time
  2. Tie goal to something bigger than you
  3. Keep goal in view
  4. Have accountability

Which one of these are you implementing? I would love to hear from you in the comment section.

Now to the rest of the points:

Set SMART Goals

There is a question I usually ask my business coaching clients when we are doing goal setting: how would you know when you’ve achieved it? As in, when this goal of yours is achieved, what will be the indicator? A tool that is fabulous for helping us answer this question is SMART (Simple/Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound) goals. I did a video on this a while back, click here to have a more detailed explanation. Setting SMART goals help us to have clarity of what we are working towards and how much time we aim to work for it. 

Divide goals into chunks

It’s amazing how a goal looks and seems scary as a whole until it is broken down into chunks. This reminds me of my huge ball of Ga Kenkey! You can read that blog post here. Dividing your huge goal into chunks works like magic. For instance, if your goal is to write a 300-page book, you may break it up into parts, chapters, etc and tackle one at a time. Your progress may seem like baby steps until you  join the parts together to find a whole!

Set exciting goals 

Pause and think about an experience in which you set a goal that didn’t excite you. What was the experience like? An exciting goal for instance could mean a little bit more challenging than usual. I remember when I started manifesting Girls Trip Dubai. The thought of hosting an event outside of my comfort zone (Ghana) and its price tag all made it challenging for me. It was a few steps above what my team was used to and with a little more stretch and creativity, we nailed it. See, I had been fantasizing about such an event for like ever! So yes, the excitement about this helped us stay focused on making it happen. 

Have both outcome and process goals

Finally my brethren and sistren, it helps to set both outcome and process goals. An outcome goal is the actual thing you want to achieve, e.g. make 100,000ghs in monthly income. An action step to help you achieve this may be to make 50 sales calls daily, this is a process goal. It provides tiny steps which are vital to ensuring you take daily action. In 2019, I told my Health Coach I wanted to form a new healthy habit and this included working out at least 4 times a week. After over 2 years, I still move my booty Lol. I could have made weightloss my goal, but I have had enough experiences in the past to know it doesn’t work for me. Instead, I focus on the daily action steps – process goals.

By the way, one of my process goals for this quarter is to remind you weekly about our upcoming 2022 International Fabulous Women’s Conference. I hope you’ve started planning your trip. 

Anywho, I hope these additional 4 points or at least 1 will help you in this new year. I wish you the very best as you keep working towards your goal. Until then, remain fabulous! 

Ama xx
Photo Credit: Vera Obeng Photography