Gifty is an amazing woman in many ways. She describes herself as God’s perfect gift to this world, who loves to serve and give her best everywhere she goes. She’s an entrepreneur, teacher, wife and a devoted mom. She loves music, nature, adventure travel and food.

She has been homeschooling her kids in Ghana for years and also successfully groomed one of the 3 young ladies who represented Ghana at the 2022 Scripps Spelling Bee in the United States recently.

I had the opportunity to ask her about homeschooling in Ghana and I believe her responses will be eye opening for you. Listen to her interview here and let me know what you think in the comment.

I wish you a fabulous August!

Ama xx

PS: Do you need to unpack a personal life, work or business situation in order to move forward? I have cleared my calendar to have 30-minute coaching conversations. If this is what you need, call/WhatsApp +233 246 25 2330 or book here https://paystack.com/buy/discovery-call-with-ama-duncan