Happy Sunday my friend!

So I haven’t seen Sonia in like forever, since I completed Archbishop Porter Girls Secondary School! Thanks to Facebook, we reconnected and I have been admiring her beautiful interior decorations, at least the few pictures she posts! I’ve been so inspired by her and so naturally I asked her for an interview and eventually got one! Now, I thought we were going to talk about her Plush Impressions business, instead she succeeded in giving me goosebumps as she shared about her walk with God!

I walked away from this interview with a reminder of how beautiful our God’s personality is. He is just so beautiful.

And as for Sonia, she’s been through hell and back, sings God’s praises and is encouraging us all to get to know Him for ourselves. I really love the perspective with which she views the different experiences she’s had in life.

This episode of Mind Your Business blessed me and I hope you receive what is in it for you as well. Fabulous Child of God, as you begin this new week, remember: you have a beautiful Father!

Ama xx

PS: Do you need to unpack a personal life, work or business situation in order to move forward? I have cleared my calendar to have 30-minute coaching conversations. If this is what you need, call/WhatsApp +233 246 25 2330 or book here https://paystack.com/buy/discovery-call-with-ama-duncan