Yo! Ko wakyi kakra!
If you are in Ghana, then you have likely heard of this recent viral statement by Madam Cecilia Marfo. While I totally love the several versions of this song, it was during a live call with my Hope Family when I had the aha moment for the title of this blog post.
Ko wakyi kakra literally means ‘go back a bit’ and I use it to mean ‘retreat’. The period between Christmas and New Year is such a good time to retreat. I mean, even on the streets, traffic is less during this period. I wonder where all the cars suddenly retreat to! Anyway, if this period is quiet for you as well then I want to encourage you to find time to do the following:
- Count your blessings. The fact that you can read this blog post is a blessing. From 1st January, 2021 to date so many beautiful things have happened in our lives. A good exercise is to read through your journals and see how far you’ve come. Alternatively, you can just reminisce and pick out the highlights of this year. Writing down the positive happenings of this year will let us see the truth; we have a lot to be grateful for.
- Reflect. As we count our blessings, this is also a good time to reflect on what we did right so we can do more of that as we move forward. Another key question is ‘what can I do better’. There is always more room for improvement if we are willing to make progress.
- Forgive. Someone said unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. It sounds cliché but it is so true. One of my personal struggles this year had to do with forgiving myself. I made mistakes that were difficult for me to accept and in each case, it took weeks to get over them. Journaling, praying and speaking to a coach definitely helped. In terms of forgiving both self and others, I believe one of the best discoveries I made this year was Byron Katie’s The Work in Loving What Is. Another tip to help forgive others is to pray for them. A friend shared this with me and I tried it; I definitely recommend this.
- Pray. Here is a good question to ask ‘Lord, how can I serve you in this new year?’ As we pray and seek God’s face for the coming year, He will show us what to do in His own way and time.
I really hope you find time to ‘ko wakyi kakra’ in this period. For sure it will do you good. As the last few hours of 2021 ‘tick-tocks’ by, I wish you a time of peace in the midst of love. Until my next post in 2022, have a fabulous end of 2021!
Ama xx
PS: Do you need to unpack a personal life, work or business situation in order to move forward? I have cleared my calendar to have 30-minute coaching conversations. If this is what you need, call/WhatsApp +233 246 25 2330 or book here https://paystack.com/buy/discovery-call-with-ama-duncan
Photo Credit: Vera Obeng Photography