Happy new year!

In the first 3 days of this new year, I’ve had a series of experiences which got me thinking of you (I share these on this week’s episode of Mind Your Business https://youtu.be/1X7hyysRyXU ).

In these experiences, I lost focus momentarily and thank God I have some tools that helped me regain my focus and a state of lightness.

As you listen, I encourage you to ponder on and sharpen your own tools in your toolbox for 2023 because you know what; we need our focus in order to remain this great for God!

I wish you a fabulous 2023 full of peace, laughter, and fantastic moves!

Ama xx

PS: Mind Your Business is one of our free resource, if you prefer to work with me one on one, then go to https://amaduncan.com/store  to book a discovery call with me 

Photo taken by Vera Obeng Photography